| 1 | Pelatihan/Seminar/Workshop | 1. Piagam Penghargaan penanaman satu pohon seribu harapan
2. Sertifikat Masta
3. Sertifikat LPIA
4. Sertifikat Seminar Kesehatan "The Great Stimulation In Golden Agenda To Preventif Anemia" 1. Charter award the planting of one thousand hope trees
2. Certificate of masta
3. Certificate of LPIA
4. Certificate Certificate of Health Seminar (The Great Stimulation In Golden Age To Preventif Anemia) | 2018 | Disetujui | - | - | |
| 2 | Pengalaman berorganisasi | 1. BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa)
2. IMM ( Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah)
3. KSR ( Korp Suka Rela), 1. BEM
2. IMM
3. KSR | 2018 | Disetujui | - | - | |
| 3 | Pelatihan/Seminar/Workshop | 1. Sertifikat PPGD Certificate PPGD | 2018 | Disetujui | - | - | |
| 4 | Praktek klinik, Komunikasi dan magang | Praktek klinik stase maternitas dan anak di RS. Tk III slamet riyadi Surakarta The practice of maternity and child stasis clinics at RS. Tk III slamet riyadi Surakarta | 2018 | Disetujui | - | - | |